
The Result of Dean’s Election at FIR

The Academic Senate of the Faculty of International Relations has recently elected the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations from the 1st of February 2020 until the 31st of January 2024.

The Result of Dean’s Election at FIR

The Importance of the EU Membership for the Development of Czech Companies with Radek Špicar and Tomáš Kolář /3.12./

The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and LINET Group in cooperation FIR invites you to a lecture “The importance of membership in the European Union for the development of Czech companies,” which will take place on December 3 at 16:15 in the Vencovského Aula.

The Importance of the EU Membership for the Development of Czech Companies with Radek Špicar and Tomáš Kolář /3.12./

An Analyst of the World Bank is Going to Lecture at FIR /25.11./

The Faculty of International Relations invites to a lecture „Measuring business regulations: The role of the World Bank’s Doing Business project in fostering private sector development, that takes place on the 25th of November 2019 at 11:00 in Likešova Aula.

An Analyst of the World Bank is Going to Lecture at FIR /25.11./

The Alumni Mentoring Program was Successfully Launched at FIR

FIR launched the 1st year of the Alumni Mentoring Program that connects students with graduates.

The Alumni Mentoring Program was Successfully Launched at FIR

The International Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 100th anniversary. Its chairman in Czechia is a graduate of FIR.

he International Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 100th anniversary and its Czech branch celebrated the 20th anniversary.

The International Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 100th anniversary. Its chairman in Czechia is a graduate of FIR.

How can the Czech Entrepreneurs Enter the US Market? /15.10./

We are inviting you to a lecture in cooperation with the American Center with a discussion about a topic called: “How can the Czech Entrepreneurs Enter the US Market and How do American Companies do Business in Czechia?” that takes place:                             […]

How can the Czech Entrepreneurs Enter the US Market? /15.10./

IBB, IB, IDS and EGEI Alumni Reunion /9.11./

We are pleased to invite IBB, IB, IDS and EGEI graduates to gather and re-connect at the first Alumni Reunion! Come and share personal as well as professional experience with your former classmates and other alumni. Alumni Reunion will take place on November 9, 2019 in the framework of the Alumni Evening at VŠE (W. Churchill sq. 4, Prague). 

IBB, IB, IDS and EGEI Alumni Reunion /9.11./

Semestral Photo Competition: FIR Around Prague

If your favorite places are parks, landmarks, exhibitions or lookout points then you can participate in our photo competition! The new semestral photo competition on Instagram started on September 16th. Share your favorite places in our competition #FIRAroundPrague. Share your experiences with us! Capture your travel memories in Prague! Whether it is exploring new places, sightseeing, Sunday walks or every day walks to school, add hashtags to your photos and the prizes can be yours!

Semestral Photo Competition: FIR Around Prague

FIR Launches the New Alumni Mentoring Program

FIR launches the first year of the new Alumni Mentoring program! The program is for ambitious students studying the Master’s degree who have an active interest to grow and want to know how to use their abilities. The program interconnects current students with successful graduates. 

FIR Launches the New Alumni Mentoring Program

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