New podcasts on compliance, business ethics and risk management

As part of the NPO (National Recovery Plan) project, new podcasts were created at FIR over the summer, focusing on compliance, business ethics and risk management topics that are key to today’s corporate world. The podcasts are in English and range in length from 25 to 70 minutes.

This series of podcasts has been created as useful material for the courses offered by FIR as part of the NPO. However, they are also tailored for all practitioners who want to learn more about key aspects of compliance, ethics and risk management in business.

During these podcasts you will hear interesting interviews with experts on the topics. The first interview is with our graduate Lucie Grundová, who now works in compliance and data protection. The second interview brings the perspective of the CEO of Tesco Czech, Kateřina Navrátilová, on the topic of compliance and related responsibilities, not only in the context of her current role. The third interview takes you to Jan Kloud, who, in addition to his doctoral studies and teaching, is also involved as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Board at Vodafone Czech, where he is involved in compliance risk management. All podcasts were prepared by Lucie Andreisová, who is involved in compliance and risk management in her professional and academic practice.

We are looking forward to inviting you to listen to these podcasts, which introduce not only the study at FIR, but also the new minor specialisation 2CG Compliance, Risk, and Governance. The podcasts are available on Spotify.