FIR Annual Conference – 2017




Chantal Ambord

Chantal works with the BlaBlacCar (BBC) since 2015. Currently she serves as Business Development Manager. She manages the relations with investors and works on improving the company’s operations efficiency. Before joining BBC she founded and was CEO at Nextfunder an Equity crowdfunding platform and secondary market for private companies’ shares. Between 2011-2013 she worked with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, where she was responsible for relations with prospect companies and key intermediaries including 
heads of investment banks, law firms and media companies in Asia, Europe and Latin America

Chantal holds MBA from INSEAD, and BA from Università degli Studi di Milano and also holds postgraduate from LSE-Peking University.


Hubert Gambs

Hubert Gambs is Director at Modernisation of the Single Market, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs at the European Commission.

Previously (2010-2014) he served Head of Cabinet of Johaness Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, 2004-20010 he was Member of Cabinet of Mrs. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy before he was Member of Cabinet of Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries.

He holds MA in law (University of Innsbruck).


Philippe Gugler

Philippe Gugler is Director of the Center for Competitiveness of the University of Fribourg and former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He is MOC Affiliate at the Institute For Strategy and Competitiveness (ISC) led by Professor Michael Porter at the Harvard Business School (HBS). He is also co-editor in Chief – with Christian Ketels (ISC/HBS) – of the Competitiveness Review and Chairman of the European International Business Academy (EIBA).

In the past worked at the Swiss Ministry of Economics as Swiss delegate for GATT and WTO negotiations and at the Swiss Competition Commission Secretariat as Vice-Director. In addition, for several years, he has been collaborating with international organizations such as the United Nations (Geneva) and the OECD (Paris). In his work he concentrates in trade and competition, trade and investment, competition policy, multinational enterprises and competitiveness.


Jan Havlík

Jan Havlík is Director of the Department of European Affairs and Internal Market at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. He is EU affairs specialist with particular emphasis on climate-and-energy-related technologies recently. He also focuses on the sharing economy. Previously he worked with the Norwegian Bellona Foundation, the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and also as a Czech presidency coordinator of the Council of the EU.

He graduated in European Studies from Charles University in Prague and he has also studied at Parisian Sorbonne Nouvelle and Sciences Po.



Kalle Palling

Kalle Palling was born in Käru, Raplamaa county, Estonia.  He is a member of the Estonian Parliament since 2007 representing Reform Party that is liberal Party in Estonia. Since 2014 he is the Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee and member of Economic Affairs Committee at Parliament of Estonia. He is the spokesman on digital society, e-residency and sharing economy legislation in Estonia. Since November 2009 he is member of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia. He is also chairman of the Supervisory Board of Rapla County Hospital Foundation and Estonian Ski Association.

In 2016 he drafted the bill on regulating ridesharing in Estonia.


Pavla Žížalová

Pavla works as assistant manager  in PwC Public Sector team focusing on process improvement, performance management and advisory services and manages PwC internal innovation programme and co-operation with start-ups.

Pavla is an economic development, R&D and innovation expert with over 12 years of experience. She specializes in innovation / competitiveness policy / strategy consulting for public sector on regional (including city-regions) and national levels. She has participated in several international projects focused on the concept of innovation and research policies.

She graduated Charles University in Prague, where in 2009 she received a PhD in economic geography. She spent one-year research as a research fellow at University College Dublin and six-month at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture at the University of Oslo (TIK centre).


Josef Taušer (host of the conference)

Josef Taušer graduated in International Trade at Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business. Since 2003 he works at the Department of International Trade. Currently, he is guarantor of the Master’s degree in International Trade and Deputy Head of the Department. In 2008 he was appointed associate professor and in 2012-2013 he served as vice-dean for science and as legal representative of the dean. Josef Taušer regularly lectures at universities in France (AUDENCIA School of Management, Nantes, Lyon IAE) and Austria (WU Wien), where he teaches international financial management, in English and German.

He is author of numerous papers in journals with impact factor, co-author of 3 books, and of another 17 peer-reviewed articles. He participated in international and national scientific projects and is a member of the executive boards 5 academic journals. Josef is also member of the Board at the Academy of Business, CEE Chapter (AIB-CEE).



Roman Chlupatý (moderator and co-organizer of the event)

Roman Chlupatý is a Czech-Canadian journalist, published author and media consultant. Working for Czech and international media, universities and firms, he focuses on international politics and economics and how these two worlds intertwine. His works were published in France, Germany, China and other countries. He studied in Toronto, Aarhus, Amsterdam and London


13.45 Welcome

Roman Chlupaty, publicist and consultant

Josef Taušer, Dean, Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business


14.00 – 15.30   Sharing economy, sharing future: The sector’s nuts and bolts 

Chantal Ambord, BlaBlaCar: The present and future of sharing as seen as by the sector’s leader (presentation)

Philippe Gugler, University of Fribourg: The challenges and threats of the shared economy (presentation)

Pavla Žížalová, PwC Czechia, (Non-)sharing in the Czech context (presentation)


16.00 – 17.30   Sharing economy policy: Going beyond policing

Jan Havlík, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czechia: The shared economy in Czechia – The good, the bad, and the ugly

Kalle Palling, MP, Estonia: Estonian ridesharing legislation, an example to follow (?)

Hubert Gambs, European Commission: The future of sharing (economy) in Europe: Centrepiece or just a piece? (presentation)


17:30  Glass of wine


Flyer can be downloaded here


Conference in media

Radio ZET, 5.10. 2017 / in Czech only

Sdílená ekonomika je nyní velkým fenoménem. Diskutuje se o ní na mnoha různých místech. Jedním takovým byla i vysokoškolská půda VŠE, kde se sešli experti na sdílenou ekonomiku. Hovořili o nejen o airbnb nebo Uberu, ale také o dalších platformách na poli sdílené ekonomiky.

Co vlastně lze rozumět pod pojmem sdílená ekonomika a jaká je její budoucnost, popisuje v rozhovoru s moderátorkou Romanou Navarovou děkan fakulty mezinárodních vztahů VŠE v Praze – Josef Taušer.


Radio ZET, 23.10. 2017 / in Czech only

Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů Vysoké školy ekonomické uspořádala výroční mezinárodní konferenci pod titulkem Sdílená ekonomika: Realita a budoucnost. Samotní řečníci se na konferenci věnovali potenciálu, rizikům a budoucnosti sdílené ekonomiky. Jedním z účastníků byl i ředitel firmy PwC Consulting Karel Půbal, který na rádiu Zet hovořil o nutnosti regulací. Jejich důsledkem má mimo jiné dojít i k ukončení sporu mezi taxikáři a alternativní taxislužbou Uber.


Hospodářské noviny, 23.10. 2017 / in Czech only

Estonsko, pobaltská země, která dala vznik digitálním inovacím jako Skype nebo Taxify, je první v Evropě, kde došlo k legalizaci sdílení jízd přes elektronické platformy. Zákon regulující služby jako Uber nebo Taxifty začne v Estonsku platit příští měsíc.

Jedním z autorů zákona je dvaatřicetiletý politik Kalle Palling. Palling tento měsíc navštívil Prahu jako host konference Sdílená ekonomika – Realita a budoucnost, pořádané Fakultou mezinárodních vztahů VŠE v Praze.


Tradenews 5/2017

Rozhovor s Philippe Guglerem (host konference)

Sdílenou ekonomiku nelze zastavit. Je to nová realita, na kterou si musíme zvyknout


INFO.CZ 7.11. 2017

Interview with Chantal Ambord (BlaBlaCar) cz/eng

Sdílím, tedy jsem: Vláda musí namísto zákazů vtáhnout Uber a spol. do hry


Rádio ZET / Czech only 8.11. 2017

Alter Eko: Doprava je motor sdílené ekonomiky, na druhé místo se dostanou služby pro jednotlivc

S Pavlou Žížalovovou, PwC (host konference)


Investiční web / Czech only 13.11. 2017

KONTEXT: Lesk a bída sdílení aneb Uber a spol. über alles