Undelivered Documents

Documents on decisions pursuant to Article 50, Section 5, and Article 68, Section 3 a) to f), of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions, which could not be delivered to students’ own hands, are regarded as delivered starting on the 15th day after their posting on the UWB Official Notice Board, according to Article 117 of the UWB Study and Examination Regulations.

The official FIR notice board is located in front of the entrance to the Dean’s Office on the second floor of the New Building.

The addressee of the document to be delivered can take over the undelivered document during the time of posting, even after taking it down by appointment with his/her study coordinator.

Invitation to the meeting of the Disciplinary Committee
Decision of the Dean based on the Disciplinary Committee hearing
Undelivered documents in own hands

Delivered by public notice on dd.mm.yyyy
No …………
Addressee: Name Surname, mailing address City
Subject: Decision on ……………………
Posted: dd.mm.yyyy

  • Author: PR FMV
  • Created on:
  • Last update: