Who are the best professors of the summer semester at FIR? Look at the results of the student evaluations!
At the end of every semester, student evaluations are held throughout the whole Prague University of Economics and Business. Students are providing feedback to the classes they attended: They evaluate the overall quality of the course, the subject matter, and the professionalism and preparation of lectors. Look at the results of the summer semester!
“We pay special attention to the student evaluations at FIR. They are assessed by the Power BI tool in FIR Quality Center, which enables us to compare classes and evaluate their position in the study programs and faculty offer. The student comments are assessed mainly by the guarantors of the classes, who are considering them together with the individual lectors,” explains doc. Pavel Hnát, the vice-dean of the Faculty of International Relations. “We are also monitoring teacher evaluations at the Quality Centre, which include questions on the competence, readiness, and interest of specific teachers. The teacher evaluations were launched at the beginning of the academic year 2019/2020,” adds Vice-Dean.
The final results of subjects mirror the satisfaction with the quality of the class, its difficulty, benefits, interestingness, and the availability of study materials and literature.
The evaluation of the professors consists of the main factors, such as the level of qualification, preparation for the class, comprehensibility of the interpretation of the subject matter, interest, and ability to answer and deal with the questions and student problems.
The student evaluation was open at the end of the summer semester of the Academic Year 2020 – 2021.
Top rated specialized courses

Management Information Technology (22F202)
The course aims at effective use of applications available for personals computers that can be used not only during studies but also for processing of the semester and final projects. It is primarily based on using Office Pro Plus suite by Microsoft Corporation that is available for all students and employees of University of Economics, Prague as a part of service Office 365. Emphasis is given on available literature, presentations and multispecies records of lessons both during classes and in home preparation. These sources serve students as a useful tool for intensive training as well as a demonstration of use of the information and communication technologies in studies and for subsequent use in practice.
Department of International Business

Regional Markets in Global Perspective (2SE440)
The course provides analysis of main current macroeconomic and social challenges and perspectives of the global economy and key regional markets. Attention is given to selected processes in the global economy (changes in power and position of the biggest economies, development of state capitalism etc.). It enhances analytical skills for developing regional, international and global business strategy with a focus on identification of strengths and weaknesses of the key regional markets.
Department of International Economic Relations

International Economics (2SE222)
The class aims at making students familiar with the concepts and categories of International Economics. The discipline should lead them to critical thinking in economic theory as well as to the ability to apply it to practical world economy development.
Department of International Economic Relations

World Economy (2SE202)
The class aims at current stage and basic trends within the development of the world economy with a special emphasis on the position of the European Union. It makes students familiar with principal actors of the global economic system (i.e. states, international organizations, transnational corporations, regional integration agreements, and global value chains) as well as with their mutual interconnections. Based upon understanding the European integration process, the class enables students to understand the potential and limits of the Czech Republic’s more effective integration into the global economy.
Department of International Economic Relations

Culture in International Relations (2SM302)
Course explains cultural determinants of the contemporary international processes. It clarifies the substance of cultural differences and their influence on the course of international relations. It introduces students to the specific features of contemporary influential cultures and to the comparative methods of their value systems.
Department of International and Diplomatic Studies
Top rated language courses

Spanish for Economists – Advanced Level 2 (B1/B2) (2RO272)
The second part of the two-semestral course aims at acquiring vocabulary of selected economic themes and knowledge of economic life in Spain, deepening of grammatical structures and developing of all language skills of professional economic communication.
Department of Romance Languages

Spanish for Economists – Advanced Level 4 (B2/C1) (2RO264)
The last part of the two-semestral course aims at acquiring professional terminology of discussed themes: Globalization, Economic integration, Commercial relations of the Czech republic with Spain and Latin America to deep the knowledge of economic life in this area. The course enables students to achieve level B2 of the CEF as well as the internationally recognised certificates of Spanish Chamber of Commerce (Certificado Básico de Espaňol de los Negocios).
Department of Romance Languages

Advanced French for Economists 4 (B2/C1) (2RO204)
The fourth part of the four-semestral course is aimed at acquiring basic lexical and syntactical structures within the given themes focusing on expression of quantitative and qualitative changes and outcomes at all levels (business and accounting documents, stock exchange, state and its major economic indicators, foreign trade) and on preparing the oral part of examination by analyzing scientific texts (state, public budget, European Union – institutions, programs, current developments, the EU in the world, international organizations, world economy).
Department of Romance Languages

German for Economists 2 (B1) (2NJ212)
On the basis of macro- and microeconomic topics the students become familiar with all means of expression and develop all target speech abilities with special regard to special needs of future economists. The course makes the participants achieve the B1+ (B2) language level.
Department of German

Preparation course DFP Paris Chamber of Commerce 2 (B2/C1) (2RO302)
The course is aimed at enhancing knowledge of specialized terminology and communication skills in oral and written expression in various professional contexts with a narrower focus on economic and business French, eventually legal French. The course is designed as the second part of a two-semester preparation of the Paris Chamber of Commerce exams – level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (DFP – Diplôme de français professionnel).
Department of Romance Languages
Top rated professors of specialized courses

Ing. Jiří Sejkora, Ph.D.
Department of International Economic Relations

doc. Ing. Martina Jiránková, Ph.D.
Department of International Economic Relations

Ing. Mgr. Pavel Přikryl, Ph.D.
Department of International and Diplomatic Studies

Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D.
Department of International Business

Ing. Petr Vymětal, Ph.D.
Department of International and Diplomatic Studies
Top rated professors of language courses

PhDr. Jaroslav Březina, Ph.D.
Department of German

Dipl.-Hdl. Tobias Cramer, Ph.D.
Department of German

Mgr. Kateřina Dvořáková, Ph.D., MBA
Department of Romance Languages

Mgr. Petra Jeřábková, Ph.D.
Department of German

Alexander Haynes Downs, BA
Department of English