VŠE will award prof. Jean Tirole the degree Doctor Honoris Causa based on FIR´s proposal
The Rector of the Prague University of Economics and Business
Petr Dvořák
and the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations
Josef Taušer
request the pleasure of your company at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Board of the Prague University of Economics and Business on the occasion of the awarding of the degree of
Professor Jean Tirole
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, Toulouse School of Economics, France
22nd June 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the Vencovský Auditorium
of the Prague University of Economics and Business, W. Churchill Sq. 4, Prague 3
Please register here to attend the ceremony.
It is a great honour for the Faculty of International relations that it could have proposed prof. Tirole to the Scientific board of VŠE as a candidate for the award Doctor Honoris Causa. We are delighted that prof. Tirole has accepted the candidacy and that the Scientific board of VŠE has approved it. The academic community will have the opportunity to meet the extraordinary person of the world significance. Prof. Tirole has, using the theory of games, clarified new aspects of understanding the consequences of monopolies and olygopolies on the specific markets. He has also greatly influenced the practical agricultural policies of many states worldwide.
Jean Tirole is honorary chairman of the Foundation JJ Laffont-Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), and scientific director of TSE-Partnership. He is also affiliated with MIT, where he holds a visiting position, and the Institut de France. Professor Tirole’s research covers industrial organization, regulation, finance, macroeconomics and banking, and psychology-based economics. Jean Tirole has published over two hundred articles in international reviews, as well as twelve scientific books. Published in English in 2017, his latest book entitled Economics for the Common Good is accessible to a wide audience and available in a number of other languages. He is laureate of numerous international distinctions, including the 2007 CNRS gold medal and the 2014 Sveriges Riksbank prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel.