Vice-Dean Daniel Houska spoke at the International Final of the Economic Olympiad
FIR was a partner of the 6th edition of the Economics Olympiad, an international competition in economics and finance, which is intended for secondary school students and which significantly contributes to the development of students’ key skills and knowledge in this field.
This year, over 21,000 students from 417 secondary schools across the Czech Republic participated in the Czech edition of the Economics Olympiad. The grand national final took place on 21 June 2022 at the Czech National Bank Congress Centre in Prague and was attended by the top 45 students who advanced from the regional rounds. The International Final was held on 6. – 9 September at the Hungarian National Bank building in Budapest with the participation of the top five students from eight countries (see interview with the Vice Dean below).
The final, which traditionally lasts 2-4 days, consists of several tasks: in a written test, the contestants had to analyse the profitability of investments, the fallout of the oil import ban or the imposition of a price ceiling. This was followed by an oral part of the competition, but only the contestants with the best results in the written part advanced to the oral part.
On behalf of the Faculty of International Relations, the Vice Dean, Mgr. Ing. Daniel Houska. Ph.D., spoke during the Finals.