Unique research project at Prague dormitories will help reveal food waste among students
As a part of the project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) called: “Supporting the change in behavioural patterns of Generation Z and the design of interventions to prevent food waste, including the evaluation of their impact” (TQ 0100183), a thorough diary survey was conducted in March 2024. This survey took place at the Blanice and Vltava university dormitories in Prague and 36 Generation Z students took part.
Participants focused on weighing and recording the amount of food they wasted during the month. In addition to keeping “waste” diaries, they also sent in weekly photos of their wasted food. If there was no waste in the given week, they documented their success with a photo of an empty plate.
The goal of the survey was to determine the amount of food wasted among students living in the dormitories. The results of this survey will be published after processing the data, which is expected to provide valuable information for further steps in the fight against food waste. It will also be valuable to compare it with the analysis conducted on the actual food waste of these dormitories during this period.
Students were thrilled with the rewards from sponsors.
Students who took part in the survey were pleasantly surprised by the rewards from sponsors. These were truly impressive and included vouchers to stores such as Albert and Kaufland worth CZK 500, an energy pack for exams from Albert worth CZK 1000 and a pack full of goods from Kaufland. In addition, the prizes included a package from Nestlé. There was also a competition for the more playful generation, with three lucky winners taking home a voucher to Alza worth CZK 3,000, another four a power bank, and five students are already listening to music or podcasts with their new wireless headphones.
This initiative not only supports scientific research but also encourages students to think about their own consumption and attitudes towards food. Thanks to generous rewards from the sponsors, which are, in alphabetical order, Albert, Alza, Kaufland and Nestlé, the project was well received and the students actively participated.
About the project
Project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) Supporting the change in behavioural patterns of Generation Z and the design of interventions to prevent food waste, including the evaluation of their impact is aimed at exploring and influencing the behaviour of the younger generation concerning food waste. Given the growing problem of food waste, this project is a key step towards finding effective solutions that could lead to a significant change in behaviour and attitudes.
The main project research is done at the Mendel University in Brno. The project is further supported by the Faculty of Education at Charles University, Inesan, Green Solution and Zachraň jídlo. The Ministry of the Environment is the application guarantor, and the Ministry of Agriculture and the South Moravian Region will cooperate in the dissemination of the project results. The Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism, the Czech Federation of Food Banks, Recyclohraní, the Albert Foundation and Tesco Stores are also cooperating on this project. On behalf of The Department of International Business, the project was joined by Ing. Alena Filipová, Ph.D., Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D., Ing. Mgr. Tomáš Sadílek, Ph.D. and Ing. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D.

Ing. Alena Filipová, Ph.D.
Ing. Alena Filipová, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 1994. She specializes in international management and retail, regulation of the retail market, corporate social responsibility and sustainability (especially food waste), e-commerce and online marketing. As a researcher, she participated in the research project of the Faculty of International Relations Governance in the context of globalized economy and society. She is involved in contract research for the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and contract research for the Czech-Slovak ECR Initiative, a member of the international network ECR Community. She collaborates with business practice not only in research activities but also in the exchange of information and the creation of so-called best practices. Currently, she is a member of the working group “Retail with a focus on E-commerce and Internet marketing in the Competence 4.0 project”, which deals with defining new competencies for the field of education. For four years she was the head of the Department of International Business, and for several years she was also a member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty.

Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D.,
Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business as an assistant professor since 2015. She specializes in the field of retailing, retail marketing and retail management, regulation of the retail market, corporate social responsibility and sustainability with a focus on food waste. As a PhD student, she participated in the research project of the Faculty of International Relations Governance in the context of globalized economy and society. She is involved in contract research for the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and contract research for the Czech-Slovak ECR Initiative, a member of the international network ECR Community. Her practice focuses on the non-profit sector, she has worked as a financial and project manager and fundraiser in NGOs and has volunteered in financial and economic consulting as well as fundraising for several non-profit organizations.

Ing. Mgr. Tomáš Sadílek, Ph.D.
Ing. Mgr. Tomáš Sadílek, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 2015, full-time since 2018. Before joining the University, he worked as a Sales Officer and Sales Engineer at ŽDB Drátovna and Mitsubishi Electric Europe. He focuses on consumer behaviour, retailing and social and sustainable business, which he has been researching and teaching in Czech and English degree programmes. He has worked and is a visiting professor at partner universities abroad (USA, China, France, Italy, Israel, Austria, Germany, Spain, and Sweden). He leads qualification theses focused on consumer behaviour and social and sustainable entrepreneurship.

Ing. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 1993. He successively worked as a lecturer, assistant and assistant professor. Professionally, he specializes in the fields of retailing and retail marketing, consumer protection, retail market regulation, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, as well as food waste. As a researcher, he participated in the research project of the Faculty of International Relations Governance in the context of globalized economy and society. He is involved in contract research for the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and contract research for the Czech-Slovak ECR Initiative, a member of the international network ECR Community. From 2000 to 2012 he held the position of Vice-Dean for Education and Development at the Faculty of International Relations. In this position, he significantly contributed to obtaining the first double degree accreditation in the Czech Republic for the study of Economics of Globalization and European Integration, as well as the first prestigious international accreditation EPAS. He served as a member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of International Relations and as a member of the Academic Senate of the University of Economics in Prague. He is a recipient of the Gold Commemorative Medal of the Faculty, awarded with the permission of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of International Relations per the Statute of the Faculty.