Top rated courses and teachers at FIR in the summer semester!
At the end of each semester, students at the VŠE evaluate the quality of the course, the material covered, as well as the expertise and preparation of the teachers. Take a look at the results from the summer semester!
“We pay special attention to student course evaluations at FIR. For evaluations, we are using the Power BI tool in the so-called FIR Quality Centre, which allows us to compare courses with each other and evaluate their position within the programmes and offerings of the faculty. The comments in the student evaluations are mostly addressed by the guarantors of the individual courses, who regularly evaluate them with other course teachers,” explains Mgr. Ing. Daniel Houska, PhD, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs at FIR. “At the Quality Centre, we also monitor teacher evaluation, which includes questions focused on the qualifications, readiness and interest of specific teachers. These are all conceived in the evaluations from the 2019/2020 academic year,” adds the vice-dean.
Satisfaction with the quality of the course, its difficulty, usefulness but also the interest and availability of materials and literature are reflected in the overall evaluation of the course.
The evaluation of the lecturers includes the qualification and expertise of the lecturers, the preparedness of classes, the clarity of the explanation and the ability to explain the material, and the interest and ability to answer and solve students’ questions.
Course evaluations by students were conducted at the end of the summer semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. To be listed in the following order, there must be at least 25 evaluations in both categories.
Top-ranked professional subjects in summer semester 2021/2022

Law (2PR131)
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic institutes of the Czech legal regulation of the areas related to the management of culture and art. After explaining the basic concepts of the theory of law, the students will be introduced to selected problems in the field of public and private law, especially administrative, civil, commercial and labour law.
Department of Corporate and European Law, supervisor: Ing. Tomáš Votava, M.A., Ph.D.

International Security Relations (2SM301)
The course focuses on the characteristics of international security relations at the beginning of the 21st century on a global scale, especially the assessment of security threats, wars in the era of globalization, the role of international organizations (especially the UN and the EU) and the security and strategic culture of the main actors at the beginning of the 21st century.
Department of International Studies and Diplomacy, supervisor: prof. PhDr. Jan Eichler, CSc.

Multimedia Law (2PR241)
The aim of the course is to provide students with the practical knowledge and skills necessary for their future practice in the field of multimedia, both in running a business, in legal negotiations, or in resolving legal disputes, as well as to develop their ability to prevent legal problems and find effective solutions based on practical cases.
Department of Corporate and European Law, supervisor: Ing. Tomáš Votava, M.A., Ph.D.

International Economy (2SE222)
The course introduces students to the basic concepts and categories of international economics. The discipline is designed to lead students to think critically in the field of economic theory and to be able to apply it to the practical development of the world economy.
Department of International Economic Relations, supervisor. Ing. Martina Jiránková, Ph.D.

Financial Management in International Business (2MO402)
The course introduces students to the basic tools, methods and strategies of financial management in international business.
Department of International Business, sponsor: doc. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D.
Top-ranked language courses in summer semester 2021/2022

Spanish for Economists - Advanced Level 4 (B2/C1) (2RO264)
The final part of the two-semester course focuses on the professional terminology of the topics – Globalization, Economic Integration, Trade Relations of the Czech Republic with Spain and Latin America in the context of a deeper understanding of the economic reality of Spain and Latin America.
Department of Romance Languages: PhDr. Soňa Nacherová, Ph.D.

Spanish for Economists - Advanced Level 2 (B1/B2) (2RO272)
The aim of the course is to master the vocabulary of selected economic topics, to get acquainted with the economic reality of Spain, to deepen grammatical structures and to develop all speaking skills in professional economic communication.
Department of Romance Languages: Marcela Vrzalová Hejsková, PhD.

Preparation for DFP Paris Chamber of Commerce 2 (B2/C1) (2RO302)
The course is aimed at deepening knowledge of specialised terminology and communication skills in oral and written expression in various professional contexts with a narrower focus on economic and business or legal French.
Department of Romance Languages: Mgr. Kateřina Dvořáková, Ph.D., MBA

German in Tourism II (B2/C1) (2NJ306)
Deepening specific language competence in German at B2/C1 level in the field of tourism marketing. Expansion of professional terminology and targeted development of productive language skills in the preparation of an independent project. Developing argumentation skills in the context of foreign language discussion of current issues and critical evaluation of new trends in tourism.
Department of German Language: PaedDr. Dana Bednářová

German for Economists - advanced level 2 (B1) (2NJ212)
Against the background of macro- and micro-economic topics, students acquire all linguistic resources and develop all target language skills with special attention to the specific needs of future economists. The course leads to the achievement of B1+ (B2) language competence in German.
Department of German Language, guarantor: PhDr. Dana Drmlová
Top-rated lecturers from specialist departments in summer semester 2021/2022

doc. Ing. Martina Jiránková, Ph.D.
Department of International Economic Relations

Ing. Mgr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
Department of International Business

Mgr. Ing. Jan Levý, Ph.D.
Department of Business and International Law

Ing. Ondřej Sankot, Ph.D.
Department of International Economic Relations

Ing. Monika Smělá
Department of International Economic Relations
Top-rated teachers from language departments in summer semester 2021/2022

Mgr. Pavla Nováková
Department of English Language

PaedDr. Dana Bednářová
Department of English Language

Dipl.-Hdl. Tobias Cramer, Ph.D.
Department of German Language

Mgr. Kateřina Dvořáková, Ph.D., MBA
Department of Romance Languages

PhDr. Jaroslav Březina, Ph.D.
Department of German Language