The Student PR Team is Looking for New Members!
Are you a creative team worker? Do you have good organizational skills? Are you not shy to present in front of the public? Are you interested in what is happening at our Faculty? Do you like to learn new things? If yes, then we are looking for you!
What is the Student PR Team Responsible for?
The mission of the Student PR Team is to improve the Faculty‘s environment and connect students – not just between themselves but also with employees and the school’s management. Have you heard of the Student Mentoring at FIR, FIR Quiz or Run with FIR? All these activities for students and many more are organized by us. You could have met us during the Open Days of FIR when you were applying for your studies or when you were chatting with us on FIR Chat. All of it is a part of our portfolio. We also help Freshmen with a smoother start to their University life – for example through a presentation during the registration, after matriculation meetings or presentations for Freshmen. Nevertheless, we are in charge of the Faculty’s social media. You surely follow our Faculty’s Facebook called Facebook Faculty of International Relations at VŠE Prague /FIR/ who is not just for applicants and Instagram FIR.
What Does the Perfect Candidate Look Like?
- Student of a Bachelor or a Master Degree;
- S/he is willing to work with us in the long term;
- Team worker who is able to work by him or herself;
- Good communication skills – able to communicate with students, applicants for the studies, the management and the team on an almost daily basis;
- Interest in marketing/PR and a want to improve;
- Ability to present in front of the public (not just your ideas to the team, but also present for example the possibilities of study at FIR to the applicants during the Open Days);
- intends to continuously improve her or his presentation skills;
- Language skills in Czech and English;
- Able to accept criticism and say their personal opinion.
What Do you get from the PR Team?
You are going to be a part of The Student Team where there is a friendly atmosphere. You are going to see that working for marketing/PR is not stereotypical. You will have a chance to organize events from the beginning to the end and implement your ideas. You will help to create new projects and improve the existent. You will get to do a whole series of interesting activities and a chance to meet many interesting people. You will gain many valuable experiences and soft-skills, which is definitely going to be useful for your future! Lastly, you will get to engage in the Faculty’s events with the possibility to change them. You will try to work from home and you will get familiar with working in flexible hours.
How Do you Sign up?
If working for PR caught your attention, then you should not hesitate and sign up. You can send your CV and a motivation letter on this email until 13. 10. 2019.
Your motivation letter should state reasons why you are intereste to be a part of the team, what are your expectations from the work, what you can give to the PR team and what you would like to do from our activities. We would also like you to add one new idea of an activity that would improve either the atmosphere or the representation of the FIR Faculty.
We are looking forward to reading your email!
Student PR Team FIR