The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and FIR Invite You to the 13th Student Conference on the Balkans in the Černín Palace
Don’t miss the opportunity to attend the 13th Student Conference about the Balkans! It will take place on October 8, 2020, in the Černín Palace. The conference, founded by former Foreign Minister Jiří Dienstbier Sr., is designed to commemorate the lifelong work of experts in the Balkans and to promote continuing interest and growing expertise in the Czech Republic, especially among young scientists.
If you are a University student (studying Bachelor, Master or the Doctoral degree) then you can actively attend the conference and contribute on any topic related to the Balkan countries (eg the culture, political and economic situation, important historical moments, regional and international relations ).
The most interesting and at the same time, the most professionally valuable work contribution with the highest quality will be awarded in the amount of CZK 15,000. The winning amount is intended to reimburse the costs associated with the study trip to one of the Balkan countries (if the situation with COVID-19 allows the trip). The winner will also be offered to have a professional interview by the editors of the magazine called The Foreign Affairs.
Individual works will be evaluated by an expert jury. If they are interested, we ask students to send the contribution by September 28, 2020, to the following e-mail address ( The contribution/presentation at the conference itself must be presented within 10 minutes (PPT presentation is welcome). There will be a short discussion at the end of each presentation.
The main goal of the conference is to promote expertise and interest in the Balkans among the younger generation. The conference creates a platform for students to practice presentation skills in official spaces such as the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Participants will also have the opportunity to meet experts and other students who share their interest in the region, discuss their research and receive feedback from experts and more experienced scientists. The conference is organized by the Council for International Relations, the Institute of International Relations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
You can find more information on the web or Facebook.