
FIR at Karlštejn: connecting FIR community

International and Diplomatic Studies students had a fantastic experience last Saturday, 22nd April 2023, as they joined the IDS academic director, Mr Jan Rolenc, on a trip to the Karlštejn Castle near Prague.   The “Where Charles IV Walked” event brought together students from diverse backgrounds and countries, including Albania, India, Turkey, Hong Kong, the […]

FIR at Karlštejn: connecting FIR community

Join us for a debate with former Members of the European Parliament! /24.10./

Join us for a debate with delegates from the Association of Former Members of the European Parliament on   Past, Present, and Future Challenges of the European Union,   which will take place on Monday 24 October 2022 at the premises of the University of Economics – on the second floor of the New Building […]

Join us for a debate with former Members of the European Parliament! /24.10./

New Photo Competition: FIR in the City

A new semester also brings a new photo competition, this time on the topic of FIR in the city! Capture the moments spent in Prague or in your hometown! FIR students who are on Erasmus or an internship abroad can also take part. Just take a photo of the city you are currently in and […]

New Photo Competition: FIR  in the City

Semestral Photo Competition: FIR Around Prague

If your favorite places are parks, landmarks, exhibitions or lookout points then you can participate in our photo competition! The new semestral photo competition on Instagram started on September 16th. Share your favorite places in our competition #FIRAroundPrague. Share your experiences with us! Capture your travel memories in Prague! Whether it is exploring new places, sightseeing, Sunday walks or every day walks to school, add hashtags to your photos and the prizes can be yours!

Semestral Photo Competition: FIR Around Prague

Holiday Photo Contest: FIR in Czechia!

This year’s holiday photo contest will surely please those of you who do not plan to travel just beyond the borders but also want to discover the beauty of Czechia. The topic is Czechia and its magic, mysteries nooks, and crannies. Whether they are more familiar and frequently visited, or unknown and hidden. The only two things you have to do is to submit a picture and tag it with our hashtag or send us a message.

Holiday Photo Contest: FIR in Czechia!

XII. international student conference „América Latina Hoy“ took place at FIR

The Department of Romance Languages FIR VŠE in cooperation with Philosophy Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno and Economic University in Bratislava organized the XII. international student conference „América Latina Hoy“. Students from Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava and interns from Spain participated in the conference as well.

XII. international student conference „América Latina Hoy“ took place at FIR

IDS student attended the 23rd session of the Youth Assembly in New York

Between 15th – 17th February, one of our ‘International and Diplomatic Studies’ master’s degree student who also is the Founder of The International Students’ Forum and also the University Student’s Ambassador attended the 23rd session of the Youth Assembly organized by the Friendship Ambassador Foundation in New York, United States of America.

M. David addressing other young global leaders, delegates and observers during one of the sessions.

One year in Finland and two degrees at the same time? This is exactly what FIR double degree is about!

One year in Finland and two degrees at the same time? This is exactly what FIR double degree is about! Would you like to take two degrees instead of one? Thanks to cooperation with prestigious Finnish University of Vaasa, Faculty of International Relations can offer its students such an opportunity. The double degree program is […]

One year in Finland and two degrees at the same time? This is exactly what FIR double degree is about!