Sign up for intensive courses in the summer semester!

During the summer semester you can also choose from a number of intensive courses. If you want to slow down during the semester, or learn from the many visiting professors and their expertise, intensive courses are a great way to accomplish that.

For the 2025 summer semester, our departments have prepared many courses from which you can choose:

3MO332 Business in Russia prof. Jerome Dumetz KMEV
2ME324 Regional Trade Agreements prof. Tosevska z Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje KMEV
2IB472 Internationalisation of SMEs and International Entrepreneurship prof. Thomas Groll (OTH Regensburg) KMEV
2MO461 Consumer Experience Management prof. Hyun Park KMEV
2MO467 Crosscultural Business Negotiations prof. Cellich KMEV
2IB414 Sustainable Finance prof. Jean-Laurent Viviani, IAE Rennes, France KMP
2IB320 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation prof. Antonietta Rosiello, Malta KMP
2OP332 Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid prof. Isaac Wanasika from the US KMP
2MO338 Branding and (Re)Positioning in International Marketing prof. Riina Koris (Estonian Business School) KMP
3MO346 Business Environment in the U.S.A. prof. Todd Motto (Lim College) KMP
2IB354 Digital Marketing in the International Context prof. Jelena Filipović (University of Belgrade) or prof. Roizin Vize (Technological University Dublin) KMP
2IB353 Leading and managing change prof. Alessandro Lo Presti (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”) KMP
2OP326 Strategic Management and Business Model Innovation prof. Antti Kauppinen (OTH Regensburg) KMP
2IB420 International Career Development prof. Sylwia Przytula (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) KMP
2IB421 Global ESG and Implications for Sustainable Business prof. Milad Talebzadehhosseini (University of Northern Colorado) KMP
2IB352 Efficient Communication in International Corporate Environment prof. Nathalie Chalvesche (IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management) KMP
2IB355 Contemporary Issues in Selected Business Operations Dr. Vít Hinčica a Dr. Petr Procházka (VŠE Prague) KMP
2IB469 Brand Community and Influencer Marketing prof. Alessio Sorrentino KMP
2IB356 AI and creativity in marketing prof. Angelica Bahl (Metropolitan State University of Denver) KMP
2MO428 International mergers and acquisitions prof. Hans van der Meulen (Audencia Nantes School of Management) KMP
2MO442 Product service feasibility analysis prof. Isaac Wanasika (University of Northern Colorado) KMP
2MS321 Applications of Cyber(in)security to International Relations profesor Fawcett KMSD
2SM641 Concepts, Themes and Contemporary Realities of International Migration profesor Dimitriadis KMSD
2SM425 Contemporary International Negotiation Practice Ida Manton KMSD
2MS325 International Communication profesor Strovsky KMSD
2IB411 Communication and leadership essentials TBA KTH

Course registration is open until January 28, 2025.

What happens after the course registration?
3 rounds of automated and 3 rounds of manual enrollment:

1st round – for compulsory courses which students registered before
2nd round – for compulsory as well as optional courses which students have registered before
3rd round – for all courses, including courses which students have not registered before.

Changes in student’s enrolment are possible from 17. – 21. 2. 2025.

For more information about the registration and enrollment period check out the FIR Study Guide, page 22.

Sign up for intensive courses in the summer semester!
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