President of World Business Council for Sustainable Development Peter Bakker lectured at FIR
Peter Bakker, a renowned leader in the sphere of corporate responsibility and sustainability gave a lecture at Faculty of International Relations on Monday, April 15, 2019.
Peter Bakker shared his experience in the field of sustainable development with university students. He pointed out urgent problems of the Earth, as extreme deviations of the weather, warming of the planet or a constantly burning issue of extreme poverty and child death. He mentioned a lack of confidence in leaders in developed countries as a result of the polarization of society. In his view, this is the cause of the onset of populism, instability and unpredictability of political and economic development.
The lecture was followed by a discussion with students which embedded some particular issues, for instance, increase of sea level or expansion of artificial intelligence. Mr. Bakker also urged the public to express their support for resolving the issues of sustainability by joining civil activities, initiatives, and public gatherings, especially on a symbolic occasion of Sustainable Development Summit 2019, which will take place in the UN headquarters in New York on September 24-25, 2019.
Peter Bakker is a Dutch entrepreneur and a current president of World Business Council For Sustainable Development. He is a holder of prestigious awards such as Clinton Global Citizen Award (2009), Sustainability Leadership Award (2010) and Ambassador Against Hunger: UN World Food Programme in 2011. Peter Bakker also presides War Child Netherlands organization.
The event was organized by Czech Management Association and Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development.