
Nicole Grmelová appointed Professor of Commercial Law!

On Thursday, 13 June 2024, the Karolina Grand Auditorium of Charles University became the venue for the ceremonial awarding of appointment decrees to new professors. They were appointed by the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, on the proposal of the scientific and artistic councils of universities (and this time also the scientific council […]

Nicole Grmelová appointed Professor of Commercial Law!

Přemysl Průša appointed to the Board of Directors of SOCR for the next five years

On 15 May 2024, the General Meeting of the Union of Commerce and Tourism was held, where the new management of SOCR, including the Board of Directors, was elected. Doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D., (from the Department of International Business, FIR) will be a member of the Board of Directors (and a representative of the […]

Přemysl Průša appointed to the Board of Directors of SOCR for the next five years

A team of students from FIR won the competition “Junior Marketer of the Year”

On Thursday, 16th May 2024, a gala evening was held in the Theatre Hall of the Lávka Club to announce the results of the 19th year of the Marketer of the Year 2023 competition. This year, for the twelfth time, a student category for university students was announced – “Junior Marketer of the Year” on […]

A team of students from FIR won the competition “Junior Marketer of the Year”

National Language Olympiad Finals at VŠE /29th May – 31st May/

The Faculty of International Relations is once again a guarantor of the National Language Olympiads Finals for high school and elementary school students. These prestigious competitions, held every school year, offer participants the opportunity to showcase their language skills in the final round, which, after last year’s online edition, will be held in person this […]

National Language Olympiad Finals at VŠE /29th May – 31st May/

Faculty of International Relations entered into a partnership with Siemens GBS

FIR is continuously working on strengthening relationships with the private sector and is constantly looking for partnerships with organizations which would bring new insights and experience to the study programmes, teaching process and other activities of FIR. As of the summer semester 2024, FIR is partnering with another major company – Siemens Global Business Services. […]

Faculty of International Relations entered into a partnership with Siemens GBS

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