FMV Odposlech is back with a podcast episode, that you can both listen to, and see!
Whether you are a student, teacher or the general public, immerse yourself in the world of FIR through the eyes of our Dean Martina Jiránková. See or hear how she manages to tune the faculty orchestra made up of different departments and staff members, and what made her want to become dean. Hosted by Terka […]
Convergence of the Czech economy after EU accession and opportunities for the future
Experts from the Department of International Economic Relations of FIR at the VŠE prepared a background paper summarising the process of catching up or convergence of the Czech Republic towards the rich EU countries, for the FIR annual conference 2024 The next 20 years of the Czech Republic in the EU – a never-ending story […]
FIR has new graduates of the Sports Diplomacy MPA programme
The FIR officially awarded diplomas to 20 graduates of the MPA Sports Diplomacy programme. The Sports Diplomacy programme, in which the FIR VŠE closely cooperates with the Czech Olympic Committee, has been running at the faculty in the lifelong learning mode for six years. After completing the programme, students receive a Master of Public Administration […]
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