

FIR is a partner of the AlterEconomic Forum: The World after Ukraine: The new (economic) ab/normality /20.-21.5./

Russian aggression in Ukraine will speed up the ongoing world metamorphosis. And at the end of this, the economic and political relations maps will markedly differ from the present, which we all are used to. With this altogether, (un)written rules, which drive all kinds of over-the-border flows, will change, too. What exactly will be the […]

FIR is a partner of the AlterEconomic Forum: The World after Ukraine: The new (economic) ab/normality /20.-21.5./

Host professor from Stanford and Harvard, prof. Jacek Tomkiewicz will lecture at FIR!

An associate professor of economics, the dean of College of Finance and Economics of Kozminski University of Warsava and the Science Director of TIGER Research Centre for Transformation, Integration and Globalization, prof. Jacek Tomkiewicz will lead a lecture at FIR. We would like to invite you to attend following lectures of Mr. Tomkiewicz: 6. 5. […]

Host professor from Stanford and Harvard, prof. Jacek Tomkiewicz will lecture at FIR!

Trimesters, inspiring meetings with local fellows and vegetarian meals. How does the research visit at the Oxford University look like?

Dr. Jarolím Antal, the Director of the Centre for European Studies at the Faculty of International Relations in Prague University of Economics and Business was during the spring term 2022 an academic visitor at the St. Antony´s College in Oxford, UK. How does the Central-European education system differ from the “prestigious” one in Oxford? What […]

Trimesters, inspiring meetings with local fellows and vegetarian meals. How does the research visit at the Oxford University look like?

Dr. Kataryna Shymanska from the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University has become a host professor at FIR

From 1 April 2022, dr. Kataryna Shymanska from the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University has become a host professor at the Department of International Economic Relations at FIR. At the Zhytomyr University, she worked as the Head of the Department of Digital Economics and International Economic Relations. Nowadays, dr. Shymanska is working on two courses: World […]

Dr. Kataryna Shymanska from the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University has become a host professor at FIR

Pavel Černý becomes the Director of the Department of Tourism from the 1st April

The Dean of the Faculty of International Relations doc. Josef Taušer charged Ing. Pavel Černý, PhD. to direct of the Department of Tourism from the 1st April 2022. He will lead the department after Ing. Liběna Jarolímková, Ph.D. who was the head of the Department for four years in row. The new director has an […]

Pavel Černý becomes the Director of the Department of Tourism from the 1st April

FIR was a partner of the conference “Wooden structures” (not only) about sustainability and public sector financing

How to build innovatively, economically, sustainably, and what financial sources to use when building wooden structures in the cities? These questions were answered by professionals in the field to mayors of the South Bohemian Region during the pilot conference called “Wooden structures in the public and commercial sector” organized by the alliance Šance pro budovy […]

FIR was a partner of the conference “Wooden structures” (not only) about sustainability and public sector financing

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