
Czech language lessons for Ukrainian refugees

The Faculty of International Relations of the Prague University of Economics and Business has been actively supporting refugees from Ukraine since the beginning of the armed conflict. For example, it has decided to provide them with financial assistance in the form of scholarships, to include them in the courses of the previous semester or to […]

Czech language lessons for Ukrainian refugees

Jobspin Job & Relocation Fair

Dear students, Jobspin team would like to introduce you to the 9th biggest fair for international job seekers Jobspin Job & Relocation Fair in Prague. This is a great opportunity for you to meet dozens of global-minded Czech-based employers in one place and get a leg up. Jobspin Job & Relocation Fair is an event […]

Jobspin Job & Relocation Fair

Board of Alumni at FIR elected for the next two years! Check out the new members!

From July 18 to August 14, 2022, the third election for the Board of Alumni, the presidency of the Faculty Alumni Club, took place. And now we are bringing you the results! The members of the Board of Alumni (2022 – 2024) from IB and IDS are: Check the members from the Czech programs here. […]

Board of Alumni at FIR elected for the next two years! Check out the new members!

Elections to the Board of Alumni! Choose your Alumni representatives! /until 14.8./

The FIR Alumni Club is a club for all graduates of the Faculty of International Relations at the Prague University of Economics and Business! It aims to connect alumni not only with each other but also with the Faculty and its current students. The third election to the Board of Alumni, the club’s presidency, is […]

Elections to the Board of Alumni! Choose your Alumni representatives! /until 14.8./

Faculty of International Relations supports the Czech Presidency

The Faculty of International Relations actively supports the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, both through interns, whom it has sent to Brussels on the basis of several selection procedures and through scientific projects that experts from the Faculty of International Relations have been working on for the Office of the Government […]

Faculty of International Relations supports the Czech Presidency

About Cryptocurrencies with Jakub Jedlinský from FIR

Ing. Jakub Jedlinský, Ph.D. from the Department of International Economic Relations of the Faculty of International Relations has been involved in cryptocurrencies and alternative currency systems for a long time. He teaches courses on Bitcoin and blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and other alternative currency solutions in global practice and regularly comments on the topic of cryptocurrencies in […]

About Cryptocurrencies with Jakub Jedlinský from FIR

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