Join us for a debate with former Members of the European Parliament! /24.10./
Join us for a debate with delegates from the Association of Former Members of the European Parliament on
Past, Present, and Future Challenges of the European Union,
which will take place on Monday 24 October 2022 at the premises of the University of Economics – on the second floor of the New Building (NB244) at 16:00.
You will be able to discuss not only the current events in the European Union with prominent representatives of the European Parliament, who have gained many years of experience in it. Due to the presence of international guests, the whole debate will be held in English.
You can register via this link.
We look forward to your input and participation! See you on Monday?
Main speakers:

Klaus Hänsch
Chair of the FMA Delegation, previous of the Parliament´s Bureau, vice-chairman of the PES group, Germany, EP 1979 – 2009.

Peter Price
Previous Vice-chair of Budgetary control, a member of the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean, and Pacific States and the EEC (ACP-EEC), United Kingdom, EP 1979 – 1994.

Colette Gadioux
In charge of Regional Policy and Regional Planning, on Women’s Rights, France, EP 1984 – 1989.

Margarita Starkevičiüté
Member of Temporary committee on policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged Union 2007-2013, an economist and advisor for foreign relations, Lithuania, EP 2004 – 2009.

Jan Mulder
Questor 2007-2009 EP + Bureau, Chair: CONT (2011-2012), Vice-chair at Temporary committee on foot and mouth disease (2002), Netherlands, EP 1994 – 2014.

Robert Moreland
Member of TRAN, Committee on Energy and Research, wrote to The Times in 1985 to urge British membership of the European Monetary System, The United Kingdom, EP 1979 – 1984.

Pinton Michel
Member of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, and the Media. In 1992, he takes a position against the single currency. France, EP 1993 – 1994.

Michael Hindley
Member of PETI, Committee on External Economic Relations, Vice-chair of the Committee on External Economic Relations (he wrote reports on Europe’s relations with China, Hong Kong, Macao, Vietnam, North Korea, ASEAN, Gulf States, and Belarus). The United Kingdom, EP 1984 – 1999.

Elisabetta Fonck
Secretary General of the FMA, Why helping former MEPs remain involved in EU policymaking.