Invitation to the Conference and Presentation of the New Study Program at FIR

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming conference and presentation of the new study program at the Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business. Join us for an insightful evening where esteemed speakers will discuss the Green Transition and EU Competitiveness. The event will feature presentations and panel discussions with experts from the European Commission, Commerzbank AG, Vodafone Czech Republic, the World Bank, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with thought leaders and explore the future of sustainability and economic growth in the EU.

8. 4. 2025, RB 211 (Rajská Building, 2nd Floor)



17:00 Welcome

Martina Jiránková, Dean, Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business

17:05 Presentation of the Study Programme, Green Transition and EU Competitiveness

Jana Vlčková, Associate Professor and Guarantor of GTEC,  Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business


17:15 – 18:15 Panel I. Green Transition: State of play and the outlook Views from Brussels and businesses

Martin Špolc, Head of Unit, Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change, DG Climate Action, European Commission (confirmed/online)

Bulent Karakaya, Managing Director Asset Management, and ESG Expert, Commerzbank AG (confirmed)

Viktorie Tenzerová, Sustainability Lead, Vodafone Czech Republic (confirmed)

Moderator: Jarolím Antal, Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business 


18:15 –18:30 Break


18:30 – 19:30 Panel II. EU Competitiveness: Untapped potential of the EU Single market and Global Challenges Moderator:

Iryna Lagodna, Analyst, World Bank (confirmed)

Zbyněk Smetana, Head of EU Affairs Department, Ministry of Finance, Czechia (confirmed)

Václav PavlečkaCofounder a Partner Czech Founders VC (confirmed)

Josef Schwarz, Economic Expert, Representation of European Commission to Czechia (tbc)

Moderator: Pavel Hnát,Vice-Rector for Study Affairs, Prague University of Economics and Business (tbc)


Vznik programu byl spolufinancován Evropskou unií, v rámci „Podpory zelených dovedností a udržitelnosti na vysokých školách“ komponenty 7.4 Národního plánu obnovy pro oblast vysokých škol pro roky 2023–2025, projektu Sustainable Educaton and Environmental Development (SEED) reg. číslo NPO_VSE_MSMT-2146/2024-5.


Invitation to the Conference and Presentation of the New Study Program at FIR