How can the Czech Entrepreneurs Enter the US Market? /15.10./
We are inviting you to a lecture in cooperation with the American Center with a discussion about a topic called:
“How can the Czech Entrepreneurs Enter the US Market and How do American Companies do Business in Czechia?”
that takes place:
15. 10. 2019 from 14.30 at Vencovská Aula at VŠE.
Hana Fořtová, co-founder and CEO at Infiberry,
Michal Nebeský, Country Manager for the Czech Republic, Citibank Europe
Hana Fořtová is a co-founder of Infiberry company that invented a reusable alternative to single-use low weight plastic bags. Frusack is made of unique compostable fabric. Hana acts as Chief Executive Officer and deals also with business strategy, marketing or product development. Prior to her current job she was organizing Charles University beauty contest Miss UK (in 2011 and 2012) and took part also on the organization of Majáles Prague music festival in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Michal Nebeský is Country Manager for the Czech Republic in Citibank Europe company. Prior to his current job he has been Deputy Director and member of the Board at the Czech Railways company and worked also as a manager in Citibank Europe company before that. Now, he serves also as Vice-President of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic.
The whole event is going be in English.