FMV Alumni Club organized an evening for young entrepreneurs in Karel Janeček‘s incubator UP21
Alumni start-up evening (not only) for young entrepreneurs organized by FIR Alumni Club took place on Wednesday, May 22. It was a unique opportunity for both FIR students and Alumni to take a look under the hood of one of the Czech start-up incubators led by Karel Janeček.
During the first part of the event 4 guests, founders and co-founders of four different start-ups, presented their projects to the audience. The first one was advertisement market Advertoo and its founder Jan Tročil; followed by Martin Šafařík from Happiness at Work, which deals with happiness at workplaces. The next guest was Daniel Vach and his SENS which produces bars with cricket flour, and finally Lukáš Balík, a co-founder of SPACEFLOW which is dedicated to community management in buildings. All the guests shared the aim of their projects, related experience, especially first steps of entrepreneurship, their ups and downs. There was space for their successes as well, and especially for questions of launching project, penetrating markets and attracting investors.
The second part of the event was organized in a form of “round table”, although the tables were not always „round“. UP21 has very modern and stylish facilities, one of the meeting rooms is equipped, for instance, with a ping pong table instead of a classic one. During this part, guests could chat to the entrepreneurs and ask more questions on their projects as well as their personal experience, for example, how they sustain work-life balance and what the biggest problems are to come over.
At the end guests could enjoy a tour around UP21 facilities supplemented with information on how things work there, followed by an informal last accord over cider, beer and snacks and further debates.
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