FIR was partner of ALTER ECOnomic forum 2021: Capitalism after covid
On May the 12th FIR became a partner of the ALTER ECOnomic forum event that took place for the fourth time in a row, this year in the name of the post covid changes debate ´Capitalims after covid´.
One of the most respected British economists, the author of the book ´Greed is Dead´, John Kay, opened the event with his speech in which he pointed to the fragility of the world economy caused by the effort of businesses worldwide to reach the perfect performance with the maximal capacity use. It is a certain redundance, or imperfection, from the point of view of the classical capitalism, which is the key to strengthening of the system which has been so needed lately, explained Kay.
During the following section focused on the advantages and disadvantages of the global pandemic sped up by the ´total digitalisation´, also the economist and philosopher Tomáš Sedláček presented his opinion.
One of the afternoon workshops, ´The future of the global trade´, was presented by the FIR vice-dean and the member of the Department of the International economic relations doc. Pavel Hnát, who also invited the CEO of EGAP (Czech Export Insurance Company), Jan Procházka.
Workshop attendants focused mainly on trends influencing the global trade. The main question discussed was, if the actual slowdown of the globalization was caused by the covid outbreak or by the end of the hyper globalization wave, which culminated around the year 2009. Another issue presented was, how the international trade can be influenced by the uncertainty in the global politics and how to react appropriately to them. Last but not least, the resilience issue and shortening of the chains were covered.