FIR Has a New Organizational Structure of Its Departments
From 1 January 2021, a new version of the Statute of the Faculty of International Relations enters into force, which fundamentally changes the faculty’s organizational structure. The faculty will now be broken down into the following professional departments: Department of International Business, Department of International Economic Relations, Department of International and Diplomatic Studies, and existing Department of Corporate and European Law, and Department of Tourism. The structure of language departments remains unchanged.
In addition to the Centre for European Studies, the Centre for Asian Studies, and the Institute of Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the faculty will also have two research centers: International Research Centre and Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies.
From the new organizational structure, the faculty management promises a clearer definition of the faculty’s departments, which better corresponds to the situation at prestigious foreign universities and greater compliance with the faculty’s basic strategy.
The Department of International Business will focus on the microeconomic and strategic aspects of doing business in an international environment and consists of most employees of the existing Department of International Trade and the Department of Retailing and Commercial Communications. Its head is Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D.
The Department of International Economic Relations will deal with macroeconomic fundamentals and the application of international economics to international trade and the world economy. In addition to the current members of the Department of the World Economy, it is made up of some employees of the existing Department of International Trade. Its head is doc. Ing. Martina Jiránková, Ph.D.
The Department of International and Diplomatic Studies specializes in the political aspects of international relations. The current members of the Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies will be complemented by some exalted Department of Political Science members. The head is doc. Ing. Mgr. Štěpánka Zemanová, Ph.D. Centre of International Studies of Jan Masaryk is transformed into a pure research unit at FIR.
From January 1, new heads of professional departments also took office. The change in management occurred at the Department of Corporate and European Law, which has been headed by doc. Nicole Grmelová, Ph.D.

doc. Martina Jiránková, Head of The Department of International Economic Relations
The newly established Department of International Economic Relations will focus on the macroeconomic context of international economic relations. It will continue the content of the former Department of the World Economy and will newly include the course of International Business. It will be taught in a new form from the academic year 2021/2022 under the title “International Business, Investment and Innovation” and will now also include the issues of innovation, technology and human capital in trade. Furthermore, the department will develop basic and applied research in the field of international economic relations. Both in pedagogy and in research, it will be strengthened by quality experts from the former Department of International Trade and Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies.

Petr Král, Head of The Department of International Business
The newly created Department of International Business is created by merging a substantial part of the current Department of International Trade and the entire current Department of Business Administration and Commercial Communications. The Department of International Business will decisively provide teaching in key study programs offered by FIR at all levels of study. All activities of the department will follow the mission and strategy of FIR with an emphasis on internationalization, connection with practice and social and business relevance. It will focus on the microeconomic aspects of international business in the areas of marketing, finance, management, business operations, business negotiations and retailing.

doc. Štěpánka Zemanová, Head of The Department of International Studies and Diplomacy
The Department of International Studies and Diplomacy is conceived as a professional, scientifically oriented part of FIR. In accordance with the mission FIR, it goes in both areas of excellence. It wants to succeed on a national and international scale, while making maximum use of synergies with other departments. In the pedagogical sphere, it strives for high quality, relevance and internationalization of teaching; in the field of science for active involvement in domestic and international projects while making full use of the opportunities arising from the multidisciplinary nature of FIR.

doc. Nicole Grmelová, Head of The Department of Corporate and European Law
The mission of the Department of Corporate and European Law is not limited to graduates being able to orient themselves in the tangle of binding legal regulations governing the business environment in the Czech Republic and the European Union, but also to take into account ethical codes and the concept of sustainable development in their business practice. Graduates are able to use the acquired knowledge in the field of legal regulation of the business environment in their managerial decisions in practice.

Liběna Jarolímková, Head of the Department of Tourism
The Department of Tourism prepares students for entry into the labor market and for the perspective development of a professional career in the field of tourism. The basis is quality teaching of professional courses with a balanced ratio of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills and with the support of the development of transversal competencies. Education on ethical behavior and social and environmental responsibility in personal and professional life is a matter of course. The Department of Tourism offers many events beyond teaching (study trips, participation in professional meetings), which allow students to make contacts important for work in the field.