FIR and SKOK Are Going to Be a Part of the Annual Report of the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been publishing a Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) since 1979, where they compare the macroeconomic competitiveness of states on the basis of a multi-criteria index, based on its own methodology. The overall competitiveness index is determined according to criteria which are categorized into 12 thematic pillars.

Použitá vstupní data jsou tvrdá (např. informace o inflaci, HDP nebo počtech studentů), převažují však data měkká, zjišťována na základě dotazníkového šetření mezi manažery, působícími v dané zemi.

The input data used is hard (eg information on inflation, GDP or student numbers), but soft data predominates, based on a questionnaire survey among managers in the country.

Since 2014, the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Prague and its students associated with the Student Club of Trade and Competitiveness (the webpage is in Czech) have also participated in the questionnaire survey for the World Economic Forum in the Czech Republic.

Available Analysis Results Available for Download: