Doc. Pavel Hnát in the special broadcast of Czech TV to comment on the impact of war in Ukraine on the world economy
On Saturday, 19 March 2022, doc. Pavel Hnát from the Department of International Economic Relations accepted the invitation into the special broadcast on ČT24 with Daniel Stach called “War in Ukraine continues”. The broadcast was focusing on the economic impacts of the war in Ukraine.
“The long-term impacts of this situation will be significant, we can expect similar development as in 1980´s in the Western Europe. It doesn’t mean we couldn’t live in such world, but people will suffer with huge inflation and uncertainty about the future at the same time. The world where everything was possible is breaking into pieces,” comments at the beginning doc. Pavel Hnát. “I think that the economic situation after the war in Ukraine will be worse with its range than the one after Covid,” adds the vice-dean. “Russia is not an economic giant, but its strategic role is unfortunately in many ways irreplaceable, for instance concerning the raw materials and supplies,” concludes the introduction part doc. Pavel Hnát.
The vice-dean also commented on topics such as: How does the price of gold develop in comparison to other metals? How does the bankruptcy of the huge economy work? How long will the Russian economy sustain current sanctions and what is their core reason?