Announcement of regular elections to the AS VŠE at FIR
Announcement of regular elections to the Academic Senate of Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of International Relations (FIR)
(the beginning of the mandate on 13 June 2024 and the end of the mandate on 12 June 2027)
The Academic Senate of FIR Prague University of Economics and Business, by its decision on 21 March 2024, in accordance with Article 3(5) of the Electoral Regulations of the Academic Senate of Prague University of Economics and Business:
- election date: Wednesday, 24 April 2024
- election period: 8am to 4pm
The election will be held electronically in InSIS.
The elections will take place in the constituency of academic staff working at the FMV and in the constituency of students enrolled at the FIR.
On 14 March 2024, the constituency of students enrolled at the Faculty of International Relations of Prague University of Economics and Business was chosen as the constituency in which students of study programmes not conducted at the faculties, vote and are elected.
Applications must be submitted electronically, solely from the school email address, to, as follows:
I hereby submit my application as a candidate for a member of the Academic Senate of Prague University of Economics and Business with a mandate beginning on 13 June 2024 and ending on 12 June 2027, in the constituency of academic staff/students at the Faculty of International Relations of Prague University of Economics and Business.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 17 April 2024, 12:00.
Chairman of the sub-election committee:
Ing. Jiří Sejkora, Ph.D.
Members of the sub-election committee:
doc. Ing. Zuzana Stuchlíková, Ph.D.
Bc. Kristian Tomčo
Prague, 21 March 2024
Mgr. Alena Češková
Chair of the Academic Senate
Faculty of International Relations
Prague University of Economics and Business
Resolution on the declaration of regular elections to the AS VŠE at FIR available to download here (in czech).