We regularly cooperate
Internships and traineeships – offers 22F412

Foreign representation of the CzechTrade agency
Internships are announced directly by the faculty in cooperation with the CzechTrade headquarters every semester.
Chicago, Sydney, Düsseldorf, Paris, Madrid, London, Moscow, Bangkok, Casablanca, etc.

Foreign representation of the CzechInvest agency
Internships are announced directly by the faculty in cooperation with the CzechTrade headquarters every semester.
Seoul, Calgary, San Francisco, etc.

Permanent missions and representations of the Czech Republic
Permanent missions are among our largest embassies and internships are usually announced directly by the faculty based on a memorandum with the MFA.
Brussels, Geneva, Vienna, New York, Paris

Embassy of the Czech Republic
Our trainees also regularly visit large embassies or consulates general, typically in the commercial or political section.
Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Washington, Calgary, San Francisco, etc.

Czech Centres
Internships at Czech Centres can usually be found on the Czech Centres’ websites. The faculty automatically recognizes them.
Munich, Sofia, Amsterdam, New York, etc.

International organisations and NGOs
You can also design your own internship. Our trainees have worked for example at the International Red Cross headquarters, UN agencies, the European Council, the European Parliament or EEAS representations.
Where can you do a 22F401 long-term internship abroad?
Internships are announced by the faculty in cooperation with Lasvit’s Prague headquarters every semester.
Paris, London, Milan
At HILTI headquarters in Luxembourg, we usually have an intern every academic year. You can search for an internship yourself, it will be recognised automatically.
FMV trainees started their careers in Germany through an internship at Volkswagen’s headquarters in Wolfsburg. BMW, Audi, Porsche, Daimler and Opel also offer specialist positions. Take advantage of the German automotive industry’s experience in recruiting trainees for you!
Highered Global Career Platform
Highered’s global career platform, accessible through EPAS accreditation, provides students and graduates with prestigious internships, trainee positions and full-time job offers from globally operating companies.
An international platform set up by the Erasmus Student Network to broker Erasmus+ company traineeship offers.
Where can you do a 22F401 home-based long-term traineeship?
AMI Communication
For example, the company regularly advertises the position of PR Account Specialist for FIR. Explore their offer and let them judge the job description.
For example, the company regularly advertises the position of Junior Marketing Specialist for FIR. Explore their offer and let them judge the job description.
Škoda Auto
There are a number of positions within Škoda Auto that our students have accepted as internships for their studies. Explore their offer and let them judge the job description.
Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble offers a number of positions that our students have accepted as internships. Explore their offer and let them judge the job description.
TESCO Stores
Also, TESCO Stores have in the past listed positions that our students have had recognized as internships for their studies. Explore their offer and let them judge the job description.
At Kaufland, our trainees completed internships mainly in positions related to logistics and goods flow. Explore their offer and let them judge the job description.
For example, where can you do a 22F413 home-based short-term internship?
Ing. Eva Grebe
Study methodologist – practice and internships
Room: NB 267
Phone: +420 224 09 8824
E-mail: eva.grebe@vse.cz
Administrative support of the internship process, registration of contracts, handling Erasmus+ support, registration of internships in InSIS, receiving applications for selection procedures.
Mgr. Ing. Daniel Houska, Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Pedagogical Activities
Room: NB 207
Telephone: +420 224 09 5219
E-mail: daniel.houska@vse.cz
Approving the suitability of internships, signing contracts on behalf of the faculty, deciding on matters related to internships and work experience.
doc. Ing. Pavel Hnát, Ph.D.
Subject guarantor Professional practice
Room: NB 166
Phone: +420 224 09 5691
E-mail: pavel.hnat@vse.cz