Academic Senate
The Academic Senate of a faculty is its autonomous representative academic body defined by Sections 26 and 27 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to some other Acts (The Higher Education Act).
Chair of the Academic Senate
Basic Information about the Academic Senate
Academic Senate of the Faculty
acting upon a proposal from the Dean, takes decisions on establishing, merging, amalgamating, splitting or dissolving individual units at the faculty
acting upon a proposal from the Dean or from a member of the Academic Senate of the faculty in the case of the Rules of Order for which the Academic Senate requested the Dean’s stance, approves proposals for the internal regulations of the faculty and submits them for approval to the Academic Senate of the higher education institution
approves the allocation of the financial resources of the faculty, as presented by the Dean, and monitors their use
approves the annual reports on the activities and on the financial management of the faculty, which are presented by the Dean
approves the admission regulations for the degree programmes offered by the faculty
gives the Dean prior approval for nominating or dismissing members of the Scientific Board (hereinafter referred to as “the Scientific Board of the faculty”) or the Artistic Board and the members of the Disciplinary Committee of the faculty
votes on proposals to nominate or dismiss the Dean
acting upon a proposal from the Dean, approves the strategic plan for teaching and creative activities of the faculty, worked out in compliance with the strategic plan of the public higher education institution after discussion by the Scientific Board of the faculty
expresses its view on proposals for degree programmes to be offered by the fakulty and the intention of the Dean to appoint or dismiss Vice-Deans.
Name | Role | Note |
Mgr. Tomáš Brandejský | Member, Deputy Head | |
Mgr. Halka Čapková, Ph.D. | Member | |
Ing. Pavel Černý, Ph.D. | Member | |
Mgr. Alena Češková | Chairperson, Member | |
Ing. Zbyněk Dubský, Ph.D. | Member | |
PhDr. Lenka Kalousková, Ph.D. | Member | |
Ing. Eva Křenková, Ph.D. | Member | |
Bc. Kateřina Linhartová | Member | |
Bc. Yue Ma | Member | |
Ing. Martina Machová | Secretary, Member | administration |
doc. JUDr. Ing. Tomáš Moravec, Ph.D. | Member, Deputy Head | |
doc. Ing. Květa Olšanová, Ph.D. | Member | |
PhDr. Zdena Pošvicová | Member | |
doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D. | Member | |
Ing. Mgr. Pavel Přikryl, Ph.D. | Member | |
doc. Ing. Zuzana Stuchlíková, Ph.D. | Member | |
Bc. Martin Sušienka | Member | |
Bc. Samuel Tingel | Member | |
Bc. Kristián Tomčo | Member |
Materials of the Academic Senate
All materials the the Academic Senate is about to deal with are available on its intranet site.