Jana Vlčková named Associate Professor in the field of International Economic Relations.
The rector of the University of Economics, Prague prof. Ing. Hana Machková, CSc. delivered naming decrees to 4 new Associate Professors during the meeting of the Academic Council on March 5. doc. Mgr. Jana Vlčková, Ph.D from Department of World Economy was among the newly named Associate Professors.
Doc. Mgr. Jana Vlčková, Ph.D., defended her thesis on the topic of „Global Production Networks in Central European Countries: The Case of the Visegrad Group“ at Faculty of International Relations on November 14, 2018. She has been named an Associate Professor for the field of International Economic Relations as of January 1, 2019.
Doc. Mgr. Jana Vlčková, Ph.D has been a member of Department of World Economy since 2012. In 2014 she defended her dissertation on the topic of “Global changes in technology and innovation placement with a focus on the European Union”. She lectures on Geography of the World Economy, Economic Geography of China, and Economic Geography of Europe and also teaches practical courses on World economy and Regional markets in a global perspective. In the present time she is being a member of the research team on the TA ČR project with the title “Targeting of investment support in the Czech Republic in the view of assumed impacts of technological changes“ and is realizing a range of contract research projects in the field of innovations and global value chains.