Bachelor and Master students

Every degree program at the Faculty of International Relations has it own Academic Director and Study Coordinator. These are responsible for coping with day to day students’ issues as well as for updating the program website. Even though this website explains general situation and Faculty rules, program specific information is always displayed at the program website:

Study guide - typical students' situations explained

To increase your comfort, we are now creating a specialised part of our website, which explains typical situations and procedures you usually cope with during your studies. You will learn how to register classes, apply for scholarship, write a good thesis and much more!

We have also prepared a guide to university’s information system (InSIS).

  • Study guide - typical students' situations explained
  • Study guide - typical students' situations explained
  • Study guide - typical students' situations explained

Coordinator Contacts for International Degree Programs

Ing. Eva Grebe, Ph.D.

International and Diplomatic Studies, Internships & Executive Academy

Room: NB 267
Phone: +420 224 098 824

Book a Consultation.

Bc. Bianca Seppová

International Business (bachelor´s program)

Room: NB 382
Phone: +420 224 095 242

Ing. Ivana Krejčí

International Business – Central European Business Realities (master´s program)

Room: NB 383
Phone: +420 224 095 241

Study rules and regulations

General and most accurate information about students’ rights and obligations, as well as faculty’s strategic documents can be found in study rules and other faculty regulations. Take a while and make yourself familiar with these documents that are very relevant for your studies. All of them must comply with the Higher Education Act, which defines all your obligations and rights while studying at a public university in the Czech Republic.

  • Study rules and regulations