Presentation of the Argentinian Ambassador for Spanish courses
On April the 12th the FIR hosted two ambassadors at once. At the same day of the presentation of the French representative, the students of Spanish courses also welcomed the ambassador of Argentina earlier that afternoon.
During the presentation, His Excellency the ambassador of Argentina in the Czech Republic Roberto Salafia covered mainly the topic of the free trade zone of MERCOSUR as the 30th anniversary of its establishment was celebrated.
“A few of mentioned topics were the history of Mercosur, conditions of entrance for candidate countries or present trade relations between the South American trade block and the rest of the world. Students also got to know in which expanding fields they could, as future entrepreneurs, do trade with the countries of Mercosur,” added PhDr. Ludmila Mlýnková from the Department of Romance languages.
Almost one hundred participants attended the presentation of the Argentinian ambassador that was all lectured in Spanish.