4 Minutes, 15 Business Meetings and 30 Graduates. FIR Alumni Club Held Its Second Alumni Business Speed Networking.
For the second time, FIR graduates could meet at a business networking event and expand their professional contacts. The FIR Alumni Club organized The Alumni Business Speed Networking.
“Great event! I had the opportunity to meet with my colleagues from the class, exchange experiences and tips with them after a long time. Thanks a lot for organizing it, ”said Veronika, a graduate of FIR, who currently works at mBank, for Business Speed Networking.
The Alumni Business Speed Networking was held on Thursday, February 20, at the Academic Club at the University of Economics, and was attended by 30 FIR graduates. The first, formal part of the evening took place in the form of speed networking, where each guest had the time of 4 minutes to meet and discuss with the opposite partner. After some time, they moved to the next table and the next graduate, with whom they had again 4 minutes. And so it went on until they met exactly half the arrivals.
In the second part, guests moved on to informal networking, where they could meet those who did not talk to in the circle or discuss specific opportunities with those with whom they found common topics within the set 4 minutes.
“Very pleasant event. It was interesting to see how diverse our jobs are with almost the same level of education, ”said Daniela, an FIR graduate who now works at Siemens. “A great event that will enrich you,” added Aldar working at Honeywell.
We thank all the graduates for their participation and we are looking forward to seeing in the next meeting under the auspices of the FIR Alumni Club.