Courses during Studying Abroad
All information about studying abroad can be found easily on the International Office website or the FIR website. Here, you will learn everything necessary about the formalities regarding courses during your study abroad.
Selecting your courses for a study abroad
How many credits must one study during a study abroad?
The Faculty of International Relations considers a study abroad to be an integral part of the study, and therefore promotes the recognition of subjects as much as possible.
For this reason we recommend studying courses abroad for 30 ECTS, with a minimum of 24 ECTS. At least 18 ECTS must be selected for studying of non-language courses with a a clear link to the study program of the student.
This fact should be taken into account when selecting courses and choosing courses that might be recognised as mandatory.
When and how do I choose courses at a partner school?
All courses must be thematically linked to the main or minor specialisation studied and to the corresponding level (for a master’s degree usually graduate courses, i.e. courses for master’s degree studies). When selecting courses, you might be inspired by the experience of students who studied at the respective partner school before you (found in InSIS).
The selection of the courses should be consulted with the Vice-Dean for International Relations and PR while obtaining the Learning Agreement signature. Depending on the situation at the partner school upon your arrival, the selection of the courses can be changed (see below for more information).
Students who do not use their reserve/extra credits should not be afraid during their study abroad to study unique courses or language classes at a partner university. Studying a language at C1 level and higher can usually be recognised in the hV and/or fVM groups of courses.
To support outgoing students, FIR pays a special grant from its scholarship fund to students going for a study abroad to overseas. There is no need to submit a request for this grant. It is processed automatically from the International Office documentation.
Which courses from a study abroad can be recognised by the faculty?Optional courses related to the field of study
These courses will be recognised within the fVM or hV groups of courses (in these groups, the majority of the FIR students have 18 to 21 credits available, depending on the curriculum).
Refer to the Table B in the Learning Agreement (second table in LA if it is in InSIS) as fVM Faculty Electives Major Specialisation Electives and the actual number of your credits left in the group. In bachelor’s studies, it is the fVB group.
Mandatory courses, if their guarantor agrees with their recognition
- approval of the course, resp. its assessment by the guarantor, before the study abroad is requested by a special application in the InSIS Contact Centre (details in the student intranet);
- it is necessary to provide the guarantor of the course at the VŠE with sufficient information, in particular the course syllabus, through the contact center.
In Table B, specify the ID of the course, name, and the number of credits at VŠE. Conformity of the syllabus must be approved by the guarantor of the course (newly also in the Learning Agreement).
Courses of minor specialisation, with the approval of the minor specialisation guarantor
- approval of the course, resp. its assessment by the guarantor, before the study abroad is requested by a special application in the InSIS Contact Centre (details in the student intranet);
- it is necessary to provide the guarantor of the course at the VŠE with sufficient information, in particular the course syllabus, through the contact center.
In Table B specify the ID of the course, name, and the number of credits at VŠE. Conformity of the syllabus must be signed by the guarantor of the subject or by the guarantor of the minor specialisation (newly also in the Learning Agreement).
In optional courses of the minor specialisation (sV), it is usually not necessary to identify the exact ID course equivalent, but the approval of the guarantor of the minor specialisation is nevertheless required.
University-wide optional courses
These are mainly language courses. Given that the study plans do not include these courses, such courses are studied using reserve/extra credits.
In Table B, specify the courses as CVM General Electives and such number of credits so that the sum in Table A and Table B is the same (if you do not have any more reserve/extra credits, contact the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs immediately).
In bachelor’s studies, it is the cVB study group.
Mandatory language courses (fJP and oJP)
Only mandatory languages from fJP and oJP groups of courses can be recognised.
Languages from fJV and oJV are only recognised in fVB or cVB groups.
To select the required level of the language (between B2 and C2), always consult the respective language department.
- approval of the course, resp. its assessment by the guarantor, before the study abroad is requested by a special application in the InSIS Contact Centre (details in the student intranet);
- it is necessary to provide the guarantor of the course at the VŠE with sufficient information, in particular the course syllabus, through the contact center.
Learning Agreement and an application for recognition of courses
What does the Learning Agreement look like and who approves it?
The Learning Agreement and its amendments are signed by the Vice-Dean for International Relations and PR.
ATTENTION: Do not delay approval of the Learning Agreement and avoid being under pre-departure time pressure. This is especially true at the end of a summer semester.
Recognition of the courses upon your return are dealt with by the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs.
How can the Learning Agreement be changed?
A Learning Agreement that has already been approved can only be changed with the consent of the Vice-Dean for International Relations and PR. Changes are on the other side of the Learning Agreement.
Most changes usually take place upon your arrival at a partner university, when you find out which courses are actually available to you.
To change your Learning Agreement, use the respective application within OLA or InSIS.
Application for recognition of courses
Effective from April 4, 2020 the application for recognition of classes from the semester abroad must be submitted electronically via inSIS. Detailed instruction can be found here.