Student PR team

An essential part of the Faculty of International Relations communication strategy is involving the students in the communication and information activities organized for students of the faculty and applicants, and the public. The Czech part of the Student PR team was established in 2012, and the English part in 2018.

Meet the team!

Meet other members of the Student PR team working in the Czech division of the team here. (Note: The page is in the Czech language.)

Responsibilities of the FIR Student PR team

  1. Strategic planning and implementation of communication of the Faculty of International Relations

  2. Managing the FIR website together with with the English PR team

  3. Managing the Instagram page @fir.vse

  4. Creating the visual style of the Faculty of International Relations together with the FIR PR team

  5. Organising events such as FIR Pub Quiz or Pub Games Evening.

If you want to reach out to us, please do so through our email:

FIR tour – in one minute.

Alumni members of PR team since 2018