
World Economy and Policy: Call for Papers

World Economy and Policy invites experts and young scholars to submit their manuscripts for its 1st volume. Articles submitted to the WEP should be related to international economic and political relations, issues, and trends (economic, political, security, social or other context). The priority is given to current issues. The journal World Economy and Policy is a peer-reviewed […]

World Economy and Policy: Call for Papers

Dr. Smaranda Pantea won Rector’s prize for scientific publications

Smaranda Pantea, Assistant Professor and Research Fellow at the Faculty of International Relations, won one of Rector’s prizes for scientific publications for the article “Industrial policy at work: evidence from Romania’s income tax break for workers in IT”, written jointly with Isabela Manelici and published in European Economic Review in April 2021. This article presents […]

Dr. Smaranda Pantea won Rector’s prize for scientific publications

The prestigious academic publishing house Routledge has published a book by doc. Garlick

The prestigious Routledge publishing house has published a book by Dr. J. A. Garlick “Reconfiguring the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Geo-Economic Pipe Dreams Versus Geopolitical Realities,” which examines the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). There has been a great deal of speculation and prognostication about the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The project’s name suggests it is intended to be an […]

The prestigious academic publishing house Routledge has published a book by doc. Garlick

New FIR Records of Publishing Activities

The Faculty of International Relations launched a more effective tool for recording publishing activity. It will enable a smoother record of your publication outputs in the PCVSE. Furthermore, the heads of departments will have access not only to an overview of publications that have already been published but also to publications that are being prepared […]

New FIR Records of Publishing Activities

The Free State of Bavaria awards annual scholarships to higher education institution graduates

Well-grounded specialist knowledge, the ability to work in an interdisciplinary way and international experience are essential requirements for academics in Europe today. Postgraduate studies abroad can complement and enhance qualifications earned during undergraduate studies, while also making an important contribution to personal development. Thus, you will be better equipped to meet the challenges of practical […]

The Free State of Bavaria awards annual scholarships to higher education institution graduates

Join the FIR Annual Conference 2021! This year about Supply Chains and New Normal After Pandemic

Faculty of International Relations (FIR) Prague University of Economics and Business and Roman Chlupatý invite you to the FIR Annual Conference 2021, this year about Supply Chains and New Normal after Pandemic. The unprecedented pandemic COVID-19 has brought huge changes to the economy and society. It raises many questions related to reconfigurations of traditional chains and new phenomena that […]

FIR Experts start a new project of the Visegrad Fund called “UNESCO sites – balanced and sustainable tourism development”

Starting September 24, 2021, a team composed of experts from the University of Economics and Business Prague (the main solver), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznaň, UMB Banská Bystrica, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences conduct research for a project “UNESCO sites – balanced and sustainable tourism development.” Aim of the project The project addresses […]

FIR Experts start a new project of the Visegrad Fund called “UNESCO sites – balanced and sustainable tourism development”

World Economy and Policy invites experts and young scholars to submit their manuscripts for its 1st volume.

Articles submitted to the WEP should be related to international economic and political relations, issues, and trends (economic, political, security, social or other context). The priority is given to current issues.

World Economy and Policy invites experts and young scholars to submit their manuscripts for its 1st volume.

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