PhD candidates from FIR published the article in the Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Mgr. Nikola Adamovská, Ing. Michaela Zemanová and Mgr. Bilal Bahadir Karaca from the Department of International and Diplomatic Studies published the article, called “The way out of a crisis? the role of cities in Europeanization: a study of Thessaloniki city diplomacy” in the Southeast European and Black Sea Studies The article contributes to the […]
Doc. Vlčková and Ing. Smělá participated in the EMGP Project led by Columbia University
The Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) project is a collaborative effort led by the Columbia Centre on Sustainable Investment, that brings together researchers on FDI from leading institutions in emerging markets to gather original data from company surveys and additional research and produce annual reports based on their findings. Those EMGP reports identify the top […]
Tomáš Moravec became a new associate professor
On June 1, 2022, Tomáš Moravec from the Department of Business and European Law of the Faculty of International Relations was appointed Associate Professor for Business Law by the Rector of the Prague University of Economics and Business doc. Ing. Petr Dvořák, Ph.D. Doc. JUDr. Ing. Tomáš Moravec, Ph.D. defended the habilitation thesis on the […]
Doc. Zemanová in the executive committee of the new section of the International Studies Association
For more than three years, doc. Štěpánka Zemanová, the head of the Department of International and Diplomatic Studies, has been actively involved in the creation of a new section of the International Studies Association (ISA) called the Global International Relations Section (GIRS). She has now become a member of its executive committee. Vendulka Kubálkova, a […]