Research Projects
In the field of research, the faculty focuses on macroeconomic, microeconomic, political, security and legal aspects of international relations in the context of sustainable development and consumption, with emphasis on the concept of social responsibility of all participants.
Take a look at our latest excellent projects.
International Projects

Effects of Industry 4.0 on FDI in the Visegrád countries
Doc. Jana Vlčková and Ing. Josef Bič, Ph.D. from KSE FMV became part of an international team of researchers solving a project with the aim of evaluating the current benefits of foreign direct investment inflows into the Central European region and subsequently identifying challenges related to FDI inflows or maintenance and relevant to further successful economic development. This is a comparative view, which is to provide recommendations for future economic policy focused on FDI so that these investments are in line with current technological trends (4th Industrial Revolution).
Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR)

The health system of the first Czechoslovak Republic in the context of national and social composition - center vs. periphery
The goal of the project is to prepare a comprehensive monograph on health care in the First Czechoslovak Republic. In the course of the research, the health policy of the state will be analysed in detail and the financing of health care provision for the inhabitants of central and peripheral regions of all parts of the Republic will be analysed: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia.
doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Andrej Tóth, Ph.D. I 2020-2022 I 20-09470S

China’s multifaceted economic diplomacy in the era of the Belt and Road Initiative
The project analyses China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, also called ‘One Belt, One Road’ or China’s New Silk Road), President Xi Jinping’s flagship foreign policy initiative since 2013, via a theoretical framework of state-led, coordinated, multifaceted economic diplomacy in which three main strategic tools are utilised to achieve the initiative’s three primary goals.
Jeremy Alan Garlick, M.A., Ph.D. I 2019-2021 I 19-01809S

The quality of imports depending on the economic maturity of the importing country
One of the focal points of contemporary theory of international trade is the question of the relationship between the quality of imported goods and the economic maturity of the importing country. However, empirical verifications in this area are largely controversial, especially with regard to the difficult definition of the so-called tradability of goods. The aim of the presented project is therefore to contribute methodologically and empirically to the solution of this problem.
doc. Vincenzo Merella, Ph.D., MSc I 2019-2021 I 19-16764S

The first post-war generation of Czech astronomers, astrophysicists, and mathematicians. Interdisciplinary research into the history of scientific networks.
The aim of the project is to examine the training of astronomers and astrophysicists in Prague and Brno in 1945–1959 in broader circumstances. The resulting collective biography will be based on the research of the generational consciousness and forms of education (the role of teachers, textbooks, and public observatories). The question is how the generation was shaped by historical events and by its common experience, how Czech scientists transferred the experience to their professional careers and formed the institutions from the inside.
Mgr. Miloslav Machoň, Ph.D. I 2019 – 2021 I 19-20678S

Internal and external dimensions of EU involvement in energy relations with Russia and alternative suppliers
The project is devoted to the research of the internal and external dimensions of the EU’s actorness in energy relations with suppliers with a special focus on Russia and its ability to find alternatives. In terms of the theoretical contribution, the project lies in the creation of a holistic framework of the EU actorness in international energy relations and is anchored in social constructivism.
Ing. Zbyněk Dubský, Ph.D. I 2018 – 2020 I 18-00902S

Active borders as sources of Europeanization? Case study of the three-border Euroregions Nisa and Šumava
The aim of the project is to test the active border model in the process of Europeanization of the public area. We assume that Euroregions present an exceptional social laboratory that strives for such cultural and institutional changes, which we call the active frontier. In this sense, the active frontier is conceived as an interface that represents a significant cognitive and integrative source supporting public learning, cultural diversity, and social cohesion at the same time.
prof. PhDr. Karel Müller, Ph.D. I 2017-2019 I 17-03881S
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Czech European policy in connection with the presidency of the Council of the EU in 2022: preparation, key agendas, their enforcement, and communication, including subsequent evaluation
The project deals with both process management of the Presidency of the Czech Republic of the EU in 2022 and content and communication aspects. In terms of content, the project will focus both on the work and program of the presidency TRIO and on factual prerequisites for the Czech Republic’s own priorities. As for the thematic priorities, the main themes will be the promotion of convergence, the development of competitiveness, the digital agenda, the Industry 4.0 area, Society 4.0 and climate policy in the context of the European Commission ‘s ongoing or forthcoming legislative and non-legislative initiatives.
doc. Mgr. Ing. Radka Druláková, Ph.D. I 2020-2024 I 20-09470S

Research of selected territorial relations and cross-sectional areas of Czech foreign policy from the point of view of the Concept of Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic
The aim of the project is to obtain qualified inputs for strategic decision-making of the state administration in the area of foreign policy and for updating conceptual documents using a common conceptual framework. The aim of the project implementation is a set of outputs from individual sub- mini-tenders focused on qualitative foreign policy research in accordance with the Research Concept of the MFA (2017 – 2021).
doc. Ing. Mgr. Štěpánka Zemanová, Ph.D. I 2020-2024 I TITDMZV930

Research to identify priorities in the field of social challenges (social sciences, SHUV) - FUTURE-PRO
Mgr. Jarolím Antal, Ph.D. I 2020-2024

Setting up a coordination mechanism within the Presidency of the Council of the EU: preparation and progress from the perspective of selected member states, lessons learned and recommendations for CZ PRES 2022
The aim of the project is based on the analysis of existing studies and literature and conducting three types of structured interviews (participants of the presidency within the Czech Republic, Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic and EU institutions in Brussels and permanent mission in Geneva, permanent missions of other states) presidency, which will reflect the positive and negative experiences of the presidency of comparable EU member states, with regard to the expected goals, agenda, economic efficiency, risks and potential of the Czech presidency.
doc. Ing. Mgr. Radka Druláková, Ph.D. I 2020-2020 I TIRDUVCR932MT01

Falling oil prices: Research into the impact on producer countries in the EU's neighborhood
The aim of the project is to identify the likely political, economic or social impacts of oil market developments (or falling oil prices) on the economies of those countries around the EU that are dependent on the export of energy raw materials to the European continent. The focus will be primarily on the consequences of the fall in oil prices in 2020, caused by two major forces: the price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia on the supply side and the sharp global economic downturn triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic on the demand side.
doc. Ing. Mgr. Štěpánka Zemanová, Ph.D. I 2020 – 2020 I TITDMZV930MT01

Targeting of investment support in the Czech Republic with regard to the expected impacts of technological changes
The twelve-member research team led by doc. Pavel Hnát prepares recommendations for a new setting of the investment policy of the Czech Republic on the basis of primary research carried out among Czech companies and studies of examples of good practice from abroad. The main outputs are intended for the CzechInvest agency, and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. The final recommendations will be based on an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Czech economy but will also take into account the challenges that are discussed in terms of the impact of current major technological changes.
doc. Ing. Pavel Hnát, Ph.D. I 2019 – 2020

The humanitarian dimension of sustainable urban and regional mobility plans
Transport is one of the key factors in the development of society. However, there is a constant contradiction between society’s demands for increasing mobility and the negative effects of transport on the environment and health. The so-called Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PUMM) should help solve the problems with vehicles and mobility, which are currently being applied in several Czech cities. The impact of the project will be the linking of technical measures with the social and human dimension and will strengthen the so-called culture of urban mobility.
Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D. I 2019-2020 I TL02000400

Municipalities in the area of circular economy
The main goal of the project is to define and verify the steps that lead municipalities to transition to a circular economy, especially in diverse groups according to population and other specific aspects. The output of the project is a methodology and interactive web application for representatives of municipalities and cities, which will help solve specific and common problems in the principle of circular economy – in purchasing products and services, waste management, transport, greenery maintenance and integration of needs into procurement procedures.
prof. Ing. Petr Šauer, CSc., dr. h. c. I 2018 – 2020 I TL01000217
All projects
An overview of all projects of the Faculty of International Relations can be found in the VŠE project database.