The latest publications at the Department of International Business

KŘENKOVÁ, Eva, RIESER, Karolína, SATO, Alexej. How software robots can facilitate the procurement process? A case study of Siemens in the Czech Republic. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review [online]. 2021, roč. 9, č. 3, s. 191–203. eISSN 2353-883X. ISSN 2353-8821. DOI: 10.15678/EBER.2021.090312.

The objective of the article is to evaluate whether technological changes adopted in procurement can support the strategy of the firm and to observe the software robots’ implementation phase in procurement.

OLŠANOVÁ, KvětaESCOBAR RIOS, Andrea, COOK, Gina, KRÁL, PetrZLATIć, Marija. Impact of the awareness of brand-related CSR activities on purchase intention for luxury brands. Social Responsibility Journal [online]. 2021, č. 17 May, s. 1–2. ISSN 1747-1117. DOI: 10.1108/SRJ-10-2020-0398.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of luxury buyers’ awareness of a luxury brand’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities together with its individual brand-related sustainable dimensions (in terms of economic, societal and environmental) and luxury values on purchase intention for luxury products and, as a result, highlight the potential implications of these relationships for the luxury industry.

All publications of the employees of the Faculty of International Relations can be found in the database of publishing activities of the Prague University of Economics and Business.