Europe Horizon grant for the Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies led by doc. Garlick
Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies led by doc. Jeremy Garlick has been awarded a Horizon Europe grant.
The project began on 1st October 2023 and will run for three years (1.10.2023-30.9.2026). Horizon Europe is administered under the guidance of the European Commission. The project European Hub for Contemporary China (EuroHub4Sino) will receive funding of 2,499,687 euro.
The goal is to research and disseminate information about China throughout the EU, building a network and increasing knowledge. The project will seek to reach not only scholars, but also journalists, diplomats, politicians, and the general public. The project will research and publish a series of policy papers on a wide range of issues concerning China’s emerging global role. The consortium, which is led by a Belgian partner called Beyond the Horizon (based in Brussels), will establish a database for synthesising information on China in one place. After three years, the database and networks of researchers will be developed so that the project can be continued into the future. Other partners in the project include Warwick University in the UK, Chatham House (London), Heidelberg University, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and the Institute for Security & Development Policy in Stockholm, Sweden. VŠE’s part of the project is to research China’s role in global governance and multilateral institutions.