Doc. Zemanová in the executive committee of the new section of the International Studies Association

For more than three years, doc. Štěpánka Zemanová, the head of the Department of International and Diplomatic Studies, has been actively involved in the creation of a new section of the International Studies Association (ISA) called the Global International Relations Section (GIRS). She has now become a member of its executive committee.

Vendulka Kubálkova, a visiting professor of KMSD, firstly came up with the idea of creating a section at the ISA conference (+ Central European International Studies Association) in Beograd in 2019. Subsequently, prof. Kubálková and doc. Zemanová became members of an international working group, which provided the necessary support for this section among ISA members and led negotiations with the ISA management on its official establishment.

The section was approved at the annual meeting of the ISA Executive Board in March this year. It attempts to bring together IR scholars from different, often neglected parts of the world to transcend parochial ‚camps,‘ to provide a platform for the achievement of ‚Global IR,‘ towards one pluralist Global IR, accepting of difference, in brief, the ‚turn to global IR. ‘ For further information about its activities, see the first Newsletter.

The section´s executive committee and advisory group are currently creating the necessary background for its operation. It has also begun preparations for the annual ISA conference, which will take place in Montreal in 2023  – see the current Call for papers.